Land Forms

Of landforms in this page I understand formations of the earth’s surface that are still maintained as NATURE. Of course there are many other natural landforms beside the here presented onces.  I want to show comperative impressions of landforms like rivers, fluvial beds,forrests, waste areas in different continents. The terms of these manifestations are well descibed in the geographic literature and in the internet; we even have an idea of most of them. I want to give you a comprehensive pictural impression of what I perceived on my different journeys. Especially I am interested in life-rejecting landforms, dreary and desolate, which we do not encounter in Europe. Deserts, steppes, sahel savannas, wadis,  landforms where man, animal, and plant have to struggle under extraordinary conditions.- Agriculture is not nature pure. Agricultere areas are antropogenic landforms. Because agriculture is shaping large parts of the country, it is shaping our picture of the earth surface. We feel in nature, when we are riding or marching through gardens, parks, forrests and on acres and meadows. so it is belonging to our impression of nature. Large acres impress by their landforming effects. The wide changing coulor of prepared earth, of growth, blossom, ripening of plants and fruits and during harvest are natural features of anthrpogenic nature.