Upper Volta - 1996
Ouagadougou 1996 – Presidence de Faso: Government palace
Ouagadougou 1996 – parade street to the president-palace
Ouagadougou 1996, one of the main streets in the city
Ouagadougou 1997, trafic and business center of the capital
major road to the north - unpaved
Upper Volta 1997, ruins of a sahelian clay mosque
Upper Volta, 1997, Sahel landscape with clay buildings
Upper Volta 1997, The Granit Symposium of Laongo – in 1996 the president of Upper Volta wanted the sculptors to give their ideas free expression in the Sahel landscape
Upper Volta 1997, The Granit Symposium of Laongo – in 1996 the president of Upper Volta allowed the sculptors to give their ideas free expression
Upper Volta 1997, The Granit Symposium of Laongo – in 1996 the president of Upper Volta allowed the sculptors to give their ideas free expression
Upper Volta 1997, A small river has been dammed to keep water during rainfall for some weeks as drinking water for the cattle to avoid longer droves
Upper Volta 1997, shepherd nomads – family with donkey and goats
Upper Volta 1997, The richdom of the Sahel – Daily cattle drove in the Sahel
Upper Volta 1997, Reed huts village with mosque in Sahelian clay architecture
Upper Volta 1997, Mosque and minaret, jutting out of the poor Sahel landscape
Upper Volta 1997, Sahelian landscape – the dam below is to keep water during rainfall for some weeks as drinking water for the cattle to avoid longer droves.